Thursday, August 31, 2017

Thankful Thursday 

Happy Long Weekend! I will miss all my friends. Can't wait to see you on Tuesday!

Math homework: math homework coming home tonight. Please return on Tuesday.

Private reading- working hard!

Building our first grade communityEdit: Inside/Outside circle- What is would your superhero power be?

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Wonderful Wednesday 

Questions for the dinner table

How do we practice smooth reading?
We had so much fun during writing today! Share about your Haiku. What are we doing tomorrow to

Writing homework due next Tuesday: An example of a cover for our writing folder. 

Playing 1 More 1 Less

Playing games during math to develop math fluency

Smiles galore during Writers' Workshop
Working hard during math
Sharing a book together with Mrs. Kavanaugh, our awesome intern!

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Terrific Tuesday!

Math homework and Field Trip:
Math homework went home today. Please have your child complete and return.
Field trip information went home today. Please read over the paperwork and return permission slips and field trip money.

Questions for the dinner table:
What are some behaviors we exhibit during partner reading?
How many books did you record that your read today? How do you use a reading mat?
There are 7 ducks in the pond. Some more ducks joined them. Now there at 16 ducks. How many ducks joined the pond (use a number bond to show your thinking)?
What is your favorite Haiku that we have read?

Let's get the day started!! Woo hoo!

Two friends partner reading. 

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Marvelous Monday!

A few important reminders:
- Captain Curriculum Night (Tomorrow, Tuesday, August 29th):This important events begins at 7:00pm. All parents/guardians are encouraged to attend as information regarding first grade curriculum, field trips, homework and more will be shared. Please let me know if you are unable to attend and I will make sure to forward the information to you.
- Homework: In your child's blue take home folder are two different homework assignments for the upcoming week. The first homework assignment is due on Wednesday (object for poetry writing) the second homework assignment is due next Monday (writing folder cover). Also, our first math homework assignment is coming home on Tuesday. Please complete and return.
Homework assignment 1:                              
Homework assignment 2:
Questions for the dinner table:
What is a number bond? Show a number bond for the number 10.
What is a Haiku? What object special object are you considering bringing in for your inspiration for your poem?
How can you work to include others on the playground?
Why is it important to have good writing habits?
We've been working one establishing good reading habits during our Readers' Workshop.
During our writing time, we explored Haikus. This collection of poems was a hit with our class. 
Another great collection of poems
A powerful read today as we discussed the importance of friendship
Our two friends having a debate about number bonds. They're using their math notebooks to support their thinking.
Another fun book...

Friday, August 25, 2017

Fun Friday 

Happy Birthday, Felix! We love you so!
What an amazing Friday! A day filled with reading, working hard, and having fun.  

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Thankful Thursday 

I am so thankful for our first grade friends. We had joyous day as a class family!

Questions for the dinner table

We mapped our classroom today. We decided on a spot that would be the "just right" for our private reading time. Where is your just right spot?

What words did we work on from the book Ollie the Stomper?

Who wrote about you for our "Push Up" writing? What did he/she write?

Finish the number pattern: 1,3,5....

One of my favorite parts of the day is reading one on one with your child. We will have more information about literacy on our curriculums night next Tuesday evening. 

Loving our class jobs!

Writing in our math journals. Completing math patterns. 

Learning with Mrs. Cavitt about friendship.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Wonderful Wednesday

First grade families,
We had a few papers important paper come home in your child's blue take home folder today. A few notes regarding these papers:
- Did the papers make it home? Did your child put all of the papers in their folder as we have practiced? We are using the folders not only as a tool for communication but also as a great way to practice responsibility.
- Picture Day is this Monday, August 28.

We had a great time book shopping today! What three books did you add to your book box?

When you get to a tricky word, what strategies can you use to figure out the word? (think about what make sense; check if it looks right; check if it sounds right)

What do good readers do when they get to the end of a book? (Do SOMETHING- reread; retell; or pick a favorite part)

Today Mrs. Cavitt shared with us about the importance of push-ups or compliments. Share a compliment about a friend in your class.

At the end of the day we practice recess behaviors in a time called Purposeful Play. Here we are playing, laughing, and enjoying life together....

Monday, August 21, 2017

Terrific Tuesday!

Questions for the dinner table:

Did you choose to extend our solar system poem? What stanza did you add?

How do you play the game 1 more;1 less?

What can you do when you get to the end of the a book? (Reread a favorite part;reread the whole book; think back over the parts; retell it to yourself)

Which poems did we add to our poetry folder?

The chance of a life time