Monday, April 23, 2018

Marvelous Monday

Shhh....Please remind your child that we are being vigilant this week to honor our 3rd, 4th, and 5th grader friends by being quiet in the hallways and mindful of our volumes in the classroom.

Questions for the dinner table
Solve: 27+ 8 = ____ + 10
Why was the nose running away in the poem, Running Nose?
What does "plural" mean? How do you make the word "penny" plural? dog? wish?
Why did we play hopscotch during math today? How does practicing skip counting forwards and backwards help you with solving expressions?

Family Support- Skip Counting
Interested in learning more ways to support your kiddo at home with math, try having your child skip counts by 10s, 5s, 2s, 3s, or even 6s. Once your child has a handle on counting forwards (i.e., 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, ...), have him/her skip count backwards (25, 20, 15, 10, 5). Then, try having your child skip starting from a different start number (i.e, skip counting forwards and backwards by 10 starting with number 6 would sound like "6, 16, 26, 36" and reverse "36, 26, 16, 6). You can even turn this activity into a family game called "count around the table." While sitting at dinner, each person around the table says one number in the sequence. Then shout, "REVERSE" and go backwards.

One of our first graders had the opportunity to participate in the play Annie Jr., last week. She's a star!

Joy + Learning = Happy Child 
Skip counting while hopscotching

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