Questions for the dinner table
Is oobleck a solid or a liquid? How do you know?
Which object from your collection did you pick as your favorite? Why? Explain with details. (developing opinions/review for our writing unit)
We measured our tables with cubes. Then we measured our tables with paper clips. Why did we get different amounts?
What does a quarter look like? How much is it worth?
Have you caught any sneaky sounds in your reading? Which sounds? How were you able to figure out the word?
Have your recorded your audiobook for the kindergartners yet? How did it go? After listening to your own reading, what goals do you have?
Why does the number 102 have a 0 in the middle?
Wondering Wednesday
I am working to increase our kiddos' curiosity. Research shows that the longer kids are in school, the less questions they ask. This research breaks my heart and thus I am actively fighting back! Every Wednesday (Wondering Wednesday....💗 alliteration) during our class meeting, we go to the website Each day a new question is posted. Yesterday, we had a riveting conversation about the inside of a baseball. Do you know what baseballs are made of? Ask your kiddo. Please encourage questioning at home. As we think about raising future entrepreneurs and change makers of the future, we want our students to be able to question and wonder.
Gallery Walk of a our collections as we prepare for writing |
So thankful for our instructional interns, Mr. U and Ms. Kavanuagh! |
Two of our students teaching our partner reading mini-lesson. Today they taught how to take on the role of the reader and the journalist. |
Getting ready for writing by talking about how favorite item in our collection and providing reasons/details. |
The kiddos loved bringing in their collections. Not only were the students able to "oral rehearse" their writing, but they were able to share a part of who they are with their friends. |
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