Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Terrific Tuesday

Our Class Norms
- Use appropriate volume
- Keep your body to yourself
- Use Kind Words

Guest Teacher
We will have a guest teacher (substitute) in our classroom tomorrow afternoon (12:30-3:30). We have discussed as a class the expectations for behavior when we are welcoming a Guest Teacher into our classroom. Please reiterate with your child the importance of following class norms at all times, even when Mrs. McCallister is not around. When a guest teacher is in our classroom, it is our responsibility to show the guest teacher respect, kindness, and flexibility. These are hard skills for first first graders, but I know we can do it! Woo hoo! Go Lightning Jeweled Golden Eagles!

Questions for the dinner table
Someone took your marker out of your hand, how do you respond?
How do you "double check" your reading? Why did Mrs. McCallister have on two different colored socks today?
Show your families how to sketch a person. Why do we sketch before writing?
Explain the game "Up to 10."
Which was your favorite method for solving 3+3?

Mr. Bober revealing our upcoming author. It's a big secret!

Snuggling up with a good book

Making words

Making more words

Writing our small moment personal narrativs

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