Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Super duper second day of school

Please feel free to send in water bottles. We truly value the importance of taking care of the physical self so that we can promote academic and social growth.

Questions for the dinner table
How did you include friends during purposeful play?
We learned about the solar eclipse today. How will the temperature change during the eclipse?
Why do we take sneak peak when getting ready to read?
We played a lot of games today so that we can get to know our friends. Share about one of the following: Mingle-Mingle-Group or Silent Ball
How do we care for our math journals?

Deep in thought about what we are saying "Goodbye to" from summer and "Hello" to for the new school year.

Today during our purposeful play end of the day recess, the children discussed the importance of expression, "At Captain School, You Can't Say You Can't Play."

During our end of the day class meeting one of our friends taught the class a new game.

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