Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Terrific Tuesday

Tomorrow is our assessment on numbers up to 20. Your child brought home a review packet that was completed in class today. Please feel free to review the packet with your child.
Notes coming home tomorrow:

Accountable words
In first grade writing we honor approximations. We do not expect all words to be spelled correctly. We celebrate the effort students make and we work to continue to nudge writers forward in conventional spelling through our word work lessons. However, there are some words that students use often in writing, that we value as important to learn to write quickly and automatically. I have included a snapshot below of words that you can work on at home with your child if needed. I reinforce the correct spelling of these words through small group writing work, in one-on-one conferences, and through assessments given periodically. Research supports that "spelling tests" are not always effective in transferring correctly spelled words in writing. However, we try to imbed our teaching of the correct spelling of these words within student writing. This "in context practice" provides meaning for students.

Reading group today focusing on talking deeply about poems and books.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Marvelous Monday

* A special thank you to our student photographer, Livie, who took the lead on taking many of these pictures today. 👏

Homework packets came home today. Please return by Friday.

Questions for the dinner table:
Order these numbers from greatest to least: 17, 13, 18, 11
How are you "the boss of" your own reading?
What is your job in reading?

What type of questions should you ask yourself while you a writing (who, what where, when, why)?
Is your plant growing? Why or why not?

Day in the Life: November in First Grade

Class Meeting: Using class meetings as way to connect as a class family. This is crucial element of our day as we learn about each other, build community, and problem solve within our classroom.

Discovery: Focusing on grappling, collaboration, and problem solving.
Class Jobs: Students independently complete jobs that they have chosen based on the needs of our classroom. 

Reading Mini-Lesson: Beginning a new unit: Readers takes charge of their reading, they stop at the first sign of trouble and then try something to solve the problem

Private Reading: Practicing "Being the Boss" of our own reading

Reading Groups: Groups are based on different strategies that the students are working on
Reading with Mrs. McCallister: Conferencing to focus on individual strengths and areas of need

Partner Reading: Utilizing our friends as teachers and coaches to support our reading
Word Work: Focusing on digraphs (th, wh, sh, ph, ch)
Writing: Thinking about what are readers would want to know. Asking "wh" questions

Special 1
Special 2

Math- Calendar- Addressing money, patterns, fluency within addition and subtraction, and measurement

Math- Fluency Practice- Practicing addition facts with flexibility and automaticity 

Math- Small Group - Addressing individual strengths and misconceptions

Math- Mini-Lesson Comparing quantities within the "teen" numbers
Math- Work Time- Comparing quantities within the "teen" numbers

Science- Recording our observations on plant growth

Book Shopping- Students sign up to go shopping for new books when their books are too easy, too hard, too boring, etc.

Miles Reading- Free choice not have to be a "good fit." Used to promote interest and conversation.

Dismissal- We had a wonderful day together! Although my Thanksgiving break was wonderful, spending my day with this amazing, talented, thoughtful, and kind group of kiddos is a gift that I am honored to hold. 💖