First grade families,
We had a few papers important paper come home in your child's blue take home folder today. A few notes regarding these papers:
- Did the papers make it home? Did your child put all of the papers in their folder as we have practiced? We are using the folders not only as a tool for communication but also as a great way to practice responsibility.
- Picture Day is this Monday, August 28.
We had a great time book shopping today! What three books did you add to your book box?
When you get to a tricky word, what strategies can you use to figure out the word? (think about what make sense; check if it looks right; check if it sounds right)
What do good readers do when they get to the end of a book? (Do SOMETHING- reread; retell; or pick a favorite part)
Today Mrs. Cavitt shared with us about the importance of push-ups or compliments. Share a compliment about a friend in your class.
At the end of the day we practice recess behaviors in a time called Purposeful Play. Here we are playing, laughing, and enjoying life together....